Saturday, 24 August 2013

Back to Blogging

Hello everyone, hope you are all very well. This is my new and improved BLOG! So welcome, enjoy, spend some time if you like. This is the most random blog post but I need to cover a few topics so here we go:

If you are reading this you may know me from either my previous blog (thechandelierist) or my youtube channel (thechandelierist or Zeeta Hansen). The reason I have made a new blog is because I want to move everything (my whole life) in a new direction. For a long time I have been struggling with who I am and who I want to be in the future and I am starting to figure that it is something you just decide. We have the choice to become the people we want to be. Yes there are other factors but if you want to be a good person, be a good person, there is literally nothing stopping you!

This is something that I have been toying with for a while. Although I began my Channel and Blog with the intention of making Beauty videos, it is not only the beauty community I love. I love funny videos, I love vlogs, I love lifestyle and I love everything that comes along with these, so with that note I am taking my whole internet life in a new direction. I have decided that not only do I want to share my Beauty and Fashion ideas with you all but I want to share my lifestyle tips and tricks, health and wellbeing ideas and stories and certain parts of my everyday life. So we shall see how this all turns out. DISCLAIMER: I am not stopping making Beauty videos, in fact I want to make as many as possible.

3. Personal Life
This will be the hardest part of all the decisions I have made. I now know that I want to share parts of my personal life and parts of my personal history with you guys. I have decided this based on a few reasons, the most important being that I feel a strong need to share what I have learnt from situations with people who may be experiencing the same thing or need some encouragement. It has always been in my nature to help and care for other people but I never thought my own personal experiences could help me achieve this. I have not had a smooth sailing life but I fight to have a better future every single day and I think it is this attitude that I have developed that will get to to where I want to go.

Something that I have kept mostly to myself over the last year and half is that I am an aspiring stylist and in some aspects designer. I am currently studying Visual Merchandising which  is an incredible course and this has really changed the way I think about everything so I want to share this with you all. I also want to promote the course not for any other reason but I think it should be more well known to young people to dream of working in Fashion or styling or design but don't know how to get there. After all I am just a small country town girl who has worked for Fashion week.

So that was my ramble for the night. I have no promises on how this will go but I just hope someone is reading this.

Goodnight and sweet dreams from my tiny apartment to where ever you might find yourself. 

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